Welcome to The Green Odyssea

Are you ready to dive with us and embark on marvelous adventures around the world? Explore the nature and animals, and meet people from all walks of life? We are Sandrine and Gary, a couple who decided to spend their lives traveling our beautiful planet and raise awareness of the environment, the ecology and biodiversity.
By clicking on the button below, you’ll find all the articles we’ve written for you about animals.

By clicking on the button below, you’ll find all the articles we’ve written for you about diving, and that means everything we find underwater.

By clicking on the button below, you’ll find all the articles we’ve written for you about nature like plants, landscapes or weather.

By clicking on the button below, you’ll find all the articles we’ve written for you about people. By people, we mean women and men that are doing good things for the nature, animals and other humans. It could be a single person, a company or an association.
Coming soon
As we make progress in our mission, this website will evolve and develop. Some things, good or bad, just happen and there is nothing we can do about it or foresight. Some other things are foreseeable, and our goal is to give you an overview about them.